Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Another "wild adventure"

Tim was out of country over last week and this weekend so I had to do all the planning! :0) Took the kids back to Roosevelt Island and hiked around! we explored every inch of that island! It was awesome!!

This kid loves my "wild adventures"

A friend came out of the woods to greet us!

I've got some strong kids!

Can you see Georgetown in the background!

2 of the 4 crazies!!

We love our pretzels

Oh these kids..........

Kaitlyn and her spanish

Kaitlyn read me her family tree descriptions! After she was done I started trying to translate what she said about me! She described my hair as blond and black! Wowser......the girl can humble you quickly! :0)

our new ride

Friday, May 22, 2015

11 months

How did this even happen! Yep just like with the other two, time has zoomed by! I probably won't even remember it! So glad I have pictures to prove I survived it! These two girls light up my day! I probably would be skinny if I didn't have these two to keep me busy! I can't believe it has almost been a year!!

I love these kids!!

Happy Mother's Day to me!! God has blessed me beyond measure! I ask Him to help me be the best mommy I can be! These two are so precious to my heart!


Kaitlyn has been playing really hard on the field!

The girls LOVE being outside! Thank God for that! Saturdays are usually pretty busy between soccer and baseball! The girls just get dragged along and usually enjoy themselves. They LOVE to just stand and hold onto the stroller and walk around it! It keeps them occupied.......

Our little stud muffin

An hour of our day

After the big kids went to school, it was time for our fun to start!
The babies are so funny when they wake up! They will just sit in the bed and laugh and giggle at each other!
I love to just listen to them outside the door! I better record it soon!

Breakfast fun!

Dressed for the day and having fun!

The girls were "helping" me do laundry and I went to the kitchen to put stuff away and heard a little bit of crying. Miss Corryn was stuck under the basket and she was crawling all over the place trying to get free! It was very funny!!


Timmy is such an awesome dad! He spends sooo much time with the kids! I know he is exhausted by the time he gets home from work but he always makes sure to make time for the kids!  I LOVE this guy!



Conner has been sucked into the Harry Potter series! He is on book 5 now! He reads a book then watches the movie and critics it! This kid is cool!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Check out what my mother in law made me for my birthday! So cute huh?!!! covers my sewing maching up so nicely! Thank you, Mom!!!

Zippy made me this cool bracelet as well! I LOVE it!!

It is my day!!!

I love going on outings with my 5 favorite people! Conner is all boy! He loves anything he can climb! Crossing running water on rocks is what is totally enjoys to do. Kaitlyn is more cautious! It takes her awhile and then she will ask for Conner's help! I think it is so sweet watching them figure out together the best routes across the water!

The girls love the backpacks!

Kaitlyn cracks me up! She is very much like me I guess! That is what Tim is always telling me!

Bummed... Not sure if it was the humidity that made these pics so dark. It was an absolutely beautiful hike!

Oh Boy!

We made it to the waterfall!

They couldn't get enough of each other! These two were cracking us up and all the bystanders as well!

Big Brother

The girls LOVE their big bro! They are champs....between soccer practice twice a week, soccer games, baseball games, baseball practice and travel soccer tryouts.......they are still smiling!

Pirates celebrating a win!! Way to go boys!