Thursday, February 25, 2016


 I love Kaia's pigtails! She lets me put them in every day! She can wear these sunglasses for several hours a day.
 Kaia is pretty partial to Minnie Mouse!

Crazy sleeper

 When Corryn woke up from her sleep below, she was a little confused. By the way she was acting I think her hand and arm had fallen asleep. Her litle hand was a little swollen as well!  She most definitely LOVES Mickey Mouse....she calls him ALLMO. He is a must when she goes to bed!

Big kids

 I absolutely LOVE how much the big kids love the littles! The girls adore K and C! It is like Christmas when they get home from school!

Outdoor lab field trip

Yep Conner went on yet another field trip! This time a friend went on it too and sent me some pictures! Bummed that I have been missing these outings!  Great weather for a fun day!

A morning at the train

 Dropped the big kids off at school, got some shopping done at Target, and then off to the train. The girls LOVE to explore and like any toddler run around! They love fresh air and just being out and about!

Basketball fun

 My friend, Jessica, could pass as these girls mom! She loves them so much and they enjoy her as well! Love when she is around because I know she will always entertain the girls! Conner's bball team, The Hawks, play hard....oh yes the wasabi boys are on the team together which is fun!

 Jessica's boys love the girls too.


 These boys are so cute! They call themselves the Wasabis. Not sure exactly how they came up with this but they play EVERYDAY together and get into trouble together! All of their days work for the same company and now we are all neighbors for a short time! They are wild! Get ready to experience the Wasabis Gma!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


I guess i shouldn't take a nap...K made a couple cups of mac and cheese in the microwave. Well this batch she put in without water!!! OH BOY the smell is horrendous! It has been several days and I still can't get rid of the smell!! Now we have this piece of art!


Do you all remember this game? I didn't play it much as a kid but K played it at a friend's house and fell in love with it! I still like Ticket to Ride a whole bunch more but once in awhile its nice to try something different!

These two are HUGE Minnie and Mickey fans!!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Game day

One of the joys of living in a apartment is there are friends all around! The kids had a "snow day" the other day. It was like they were gone the entire day! Here is a bunch of them playing apples to apples! So happy not to see any electronics out!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Field Trip with Dad

3 out of 4

 It is pretty hard to get all four kids in a picture lately! We had several inches of snow on President's weekend. Conner can't get enough snow!! His friends and him are crazy!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Dressed up

 I was trying to get some Valentine pictures today! The girls had other ideas! Corryn loves to sit on the potty lately ( diaper on of course). Kaia's poor little eye probably could have handled a stitch or two...hoping it turns into a pretty little scar!
 Kaia was cooperating but Corryn wasn't having any of it. Kaia is thinking, "come on girl...lets just get it done!"

 Love these smiles! melts my heart!
 And I bet you all wish Kaia was running to you with open arms......
 So they finally agreed to some pictures but it was in the hallway...the lighting is horrible!
 Kisses all around! There was a hug that happened after this which resulted in Kaia being bulldozed by little sis and hitting her head hard on the very hard ground!

Surgery and jealousy

 Corryn has had a cyst on the back of her head since she was a baby! It has been getting bigger so we decided to have it removed. A neurosurgeon took it out! She was a champ! I love Children's hospitals. They are so cute! Thank God I don't have to been there on a regular basis! Check out her little hospital gown!

 Lots of toys to play with as we waited!
 Corryn had a hard time waking up from anesthesia! They had to call the anesthesia to the bedside due to difficulty breathing! She was fine and after she woke up fully was able to clear her lungs!
 I loved all the cuddles!
 The incision was much bigger than I was anticipating! It is pretty covered already after she had her hair washed!
 Well....this little lady did not want to be out done by her little sister! Right before bedtime, she decided to trip over Kaitlyn and land her eye right on the handle bars of her push toy! It was a good little gash and since it was on her face I wanted to get it glued to lessen the scar so off the urgent care we went!
 They couldn't glue it since it was so close to her eye but they put a few steri strips on it! It probably could have used two stitches! The steri strips fell off shortly after this picture!  These two are really so funny! We thank God for watching over them both today!

winter hike

We went out on a family hike the other day! So nice to hang out with my favorite people!