Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Thank You Grandma! You are the best!

These kids have an amazing Grandma and I have the bestest MIL! She stopped her life to come watch these kids while I started a new job! I had to work day shift for two weeks so Gma came and took care of the babies! They are good babies but 2 makes it a LOT of work! We appreciate this lady so much and love her beyond words! Thank you for taking care of all of us!!

busy saturdays

Conner is an awesome soccer player! He is all over the field! Wherever the ball is that is where you will find Conner! He is fast and determined! I LOVE watching him play!

He also really enjoys baseball!

These girls were watching their big brother play very intently!

More street hockey fun

These guys take hockey very seriously! Our kids are getting better every time. For just getting rollerblades this summer they are awesome!

Green Beans

                                 So I tried K out on some green beans! She wolfed them down without a problem....didn't really even spit them back at me! I thought...Sweet this is going to be so easy!!! HAHA I tried it again later with both girls and most of it came back out at me! Oh well......eventually they will get it!

Lady Dragons are undefeated!!

We are Kaitlyn's super fans!!

Back to the rocks

We had to take Grandma to the rock gym! What a fun friday night! 

It was so much fun having Grandma join us in our weekly fun and outings!

These kids are getting so good! Thank God they have the dad they do who encourage them to do all kinds of fun stuff!

Corryn's buddy

I absolutely LOVE watching the kids play with the twins! They are truly great siblings! Corryn is Conner's buddy and he makes sure she gets enough attention!

2+ weeks ago

Before I started back to work, Grandma got here and we took her to the National Zoo! First time for her! We had a really great time! The rain started.... we still explored in the rain.....just made our visit a bit shorter which was fine by the littlest ones!

Don't they look huge in this picture?

We found one of the Panda bears!

Conner's favorite animal is the prarie dogs! WE made it all the way to their home and of course they didn't like the rain so none came to visit us this day! What a bummer! Oh well...next time!

Love the pop of yellow!


                                     these two are too much! Just so much fun!!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

4 Months

These two fill my day with so much love and laughter! They are such joys and just light up our lives! When I look at them ( and of course the other two also) I am overwhelmed with the love God has shown our family! We are truly blessed!

Soccer king

This kid amazes me.....he is all over the field and all over the ball!! I truly LOVE watching him play! His team hasn't done too well but I can always count on Conner making it fun to watch and scoring a goal! He is just so aggressive it is just so cool!

Just the four of us

Since Grandma was here we took advantage!  We left the babies with her and took the bigger kids to a DC United game! We had sooo much fun! Loved that game!  It was my first professional soccer game and it was sooo exciting! What a fun night of metro riding and hanging out with the older kids!

Since Grandma has done an amazing job taking care of the babies while I have been on orientation at my new place of employment...we decided to take her out for the day! It again was a perfect fall day! Just gorgeous! 

Lots of Grandma time!

conner is a very strong kid!

Again the pics on Grandma's camera are totally better than these but I figure I would post a few! Here is our brew! Love these guys!

Lots of memorials to check out!


True love

Natural History Museum

We took Grandma to the Natural History Museum. Grandma is the perfect person to take to the museum. Her and Conner are two peas in a pod! 

Our little dancer!!