Tuesday, March 24, 2015

9 month appointment

So excited........of course before their shots!

Love those thighs!

And its over! They had their fingers poked and squeezed to check their lead level and blood count! Band aids created a ton of entertainment! Thank God for another clean bill of health!

9 months

I love this first picture! Corryn is such a flirt with everyone! So easy to smile you just have to look at her! Kaia has an awesome belly laugh and just a beautiful smile however not just anyone gets to see or hear it! She is reserve and saves that for special people. I love how they are so different! Just love these girls!!

At 9 months, K weighs 23 lbs and Corryn is 18 lbs. They both eat exactly the same amount and food! Corryn crawls and pulls up on things, Kaia just scoots and backs up to where she is going and it frustrates her that she can get to where C is! Kaia is able to use her pinchers to pick up little puffs and puts them in her mouth. Corryn needs help! Both poop and pee a ton! They both take 2 naps a day for 2-3 hrs and they both continue to sleep through the night! These two are such blessings to our family!! We Thank God every day for our 4 blessings!

Parotid Gland

This picture does NOT due my face justice. It was HUGE! Due to my Sjorgen's syndrome, this can happen and has happened before. My parotid gland gets backed up and infected and swells causing EXTREME pain!! I went to the doc and got an antibiotic! I really hope this doesn't happen again the pain is unreal!

This girl is a crazy crawler and loves to pull herself up on anything!! So fun! Kaia is still just moving backwards and getting her little chunky legs stuck in everything!

St. Patty's Day

Conner made a Leprechaun trap at school! The Leprechaun was smarter than the trap and left him a message!

The girls enjoyed the St Patty's day party in our building! I think they love all the attention they get!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Party time

4 extra boys in our apartment was enough! I think Tim was beyond irritated by 2 of the boys! It will be something we look back on and laugh! I actually had to call one boy out and ask if he was this rude to all of his teachers and parents! The most important part was  Conner said this was the best party so far. I asked him if it was better than his Pirate party and he said YES! We played 4 games inside, then cake and ice cream, then presents, then 4 more games at our in door play ground and then ran around and played on the outdoor playground. I think it was a success!!

Marshmellow/straw race!

presents....boys loose interest watching Conner open presents because he takes the time to read each card and look at each present and he always is so thankful! It brings joy to my heart however the guests are in a hurry for him to just get through it!

Balloon smash is Conner's favorite game. I tie a balloon to each guests ankle and they run around trying to pop everyone else's balloons without loosing theirs!

The party guests!

Egg race relay...however i forgot one important thing. The kids were suppose to hold the spoon in their mouth! oh well they had a hard enough time holding the spoon with their hand!

Here is our party agenda!! Just so I can remember when i look back on this post! The party was a success!!

"Normal Party" decor

Conner decided on his party. He was picking between 3 different kinds...1.) lego party  2.) prairie dog party or 3.) a "normal" party
He decided on a "normal" party! We still had some prairie dog aspects! Conner made his own "pin the tail on the donkey" he made a prairie dog so we could "feed" the prairie dog! 

conner was worried people would think green was now his favorite color but we only used green because it was all on sale! :0)

So not sure if these look like prairie dogs ....Conner was thrilled with them or at least he told me he was  because his mom made them!!! He really is a sweet and very considerate kid! We have lots of left overs....


Kris B. is beyond talented and she is so kind!! I received a package from her in the mail and I was so school girl giddy! She surprised us with this awesome gift! she made the girls these beautiful sweater/dress/jackets!! I love them! They are so adorable!

Play time

These two are already playing together! They can lay there looking at each other and just both belly laugh! When they are in their crib and awake they will "talk" to each other across the room. LOVE their bond! so precious!

Air and space museum at Dulles

A rainy day so we headed the museum... Did i mention I worked 12 hrs before this all night long! Some day I am going to look back on this and wonder how the bird did I do that!

Top Gun!

Planes galore!

Enola Gay! You guys know about this plane right?

She found "goose" and wanted a picture with it!


Guess who was hungry? I need to remember not to leave my snacks on the floor any more!

Spring is coming!!

I love that spring is in the air! This was a beautiful day and everyone was out and about! The girls spent most of the day at the park and it was sooo nice!

This is how we roll

So normal grocery cart and target carts only have room for one kid in the front of the cart! We improvise and I am sure moms walk by saying, " boy that is so unsafe" but it works for us! I put the girls facing each other and Corryn's legs over Kaia's. The are so good when we shop like this! Of course I plan shopping around their eating and napping time so I have a small window of when I can get things done! Plus I have to plan for it to take us extra time because we get stopped SOOOO much. People asking if they are twins...are they girls? (seriously people you see the pink bows!!!), trying to get them to smile, people just wanting to look at them...people wanting to talk about twins they know....people who say hey been there done that!.....
We have a lot of fun when we go shopping!!

new friends

We had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with another family and several guys here for training! This family has a 2 yr old ( in the pic) and 5 yr old twins ( boy/girl). It was fun to play and talk with a mom who has been there! Kaitlyn is such a big sis and soooooo good with little kids! It is so cute to watch her with the little ones!


She is crawling! This was taken 2 weeks ago when she started! I love it! It is so adorable to see such a little baby crawl across the floor! Kaia gets so mad when Corryn takes off and she can't go too!

Snowshoe, WV

We planned this get away with Conner in mind for his birthday celebration! It didn't turn out that way! Kaitlyn had the stomach bug earlier in the week. I actually first thought she had an appendicitis it was soooo bad! I saw enough vomit to last for a year or two! She was completely better and we headed to West Virginia! We were beating a huge snow storm coming our way! We beat it but C wasn't feeling well in the car but we figured he was car sick from the reading!  As I was feeding Kaia in the car she puked it all back up! UGH!! Then as we finally reach the hotel and walk about 20 feet into the lobby, C vomited about 2 gallons all and i mean ALL over the floor! We had a man down the ENTIRE trip! Poor kid didn't get to ski on HIS ski vacation! Kaitlyn and Tim had an awesome time! We were at the top of the mountain and they were able to ski down right from our hotel! It was sweet! We had great weather. This first day is snowed the entire day but awesome snow and the next day it was absolutely beautiful!!! Tim took pics i will have to add to this!


Kaitlyn was so surprise to see me during lunch! We picked the kids up early so we could get a head of the big snow storm coming our way! It is a good thing we did!!! Things close down here when it snows!

Our little guy is 8!!!!

We had a family celebration at home on C's birthday! He is the cutest thing. He had such a hard time sleeping the night before his birthday! I love this kid so much! He is so thankful for everything he receives! We are heading to Snowshoe to ski for the weekend just for him! His party will be in a few weeks!


We had some visitors!! Shelby came over with her daddy! It was fun catching up!

Persuasive Essay

Our little guy read his persuasive essay on Prairie dogs to the class and parents! He did a great job! His teacher came up to Tim and I after the kids were done reading and showed us C's rough draft. She was so impressed by his writing and chose of words along with his descriptions. She said no one in the class could compare. "He is in a class of his own!"
Yep he takes after his daddy with his smarts!

Conner won't let me cut his hair! He wants it to grow long and it is driving me CRAZY!!!

The girls were able to go with Tim and I to support their big bro! They were the hit of the show!