Monday, March 16, 2015

Party time

4 extra boys in our apartment was enough! I think Tim was beyond irritated by 2 of the boys! It will be something we look back on and laugh! I actually had to call one boy out and ask if he was this rude to all of his teachers and parents! The most important part was  Conner said this was the best party so far. I asked him if it was better than his Pirate party and he said YES! We played 4 games inside, then cake and ice cream, then presents, then 4 more games at our in door play ground and then ran around and played on the outdoor playground. I think it was a success!!

Marshmellow/straw race!

presents....boys loose interest watching Conner open presents because he takes the time to read each card and look at each present and he always is so thankful! It brings joy to my heart however the guests are in a hurry for him to just get through it!

Balloon smash is Conner's favorite game. I tie a balloon to each guests ankle and they run around trying to pop everyone else's balloons without loosing theirs!

The party guests!

Egg race relay...however i forgot one important thing. The kids were suppose to hold the spoon in their mouth! oh well they had a hard enough time holding the spoon with their hand!

Here is our party agenda!! Just so I can remember when i look back on this post! The party was a success!!

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